Debugging the ESP32 via Wi-Fi

Exploring Wireless Debugging Tools and Libraries

January 23, 2025 by Alessandro Colucci
Wireless Debugging Image

Debugging embedded systems like the ESP32 traditionally involves connecting the board to a computer using a USB cable for serial output. However, in many applications, especially where the device is deployed remotely or in an inaccessible location, a wired connection is impractical. Fortunately, the ESP32 supports debugging over Wi-Fi, enabling developers to monitor, log, and debug remotely.

This article explores some popular tools and libraries for wireless debugging of the ESP32, offering convenient and powerful alternatives to traditional serial debugging.

1. ArduinoOTA for Over-the-Air Debugging

The ArduinoOTA (Over-the-Air) library is well-known for facilitating wireless firmware updates, but it also offers basic debugging capabilities over Wi-Fi. By incorporating ArduinoOTA into your ESP32 project, you can upload new code wirelessly and receive serial output over the network.

Key Features:

    • Wireless firmware updates to the ESP32.
    • Serial output over Wi-Fi for monitoring debug messages.
    • Secure OTA updates with password protection.

Usage Example:

By setting up ArduinoOTA, you can initiate firmware updates and debug messages over the network, reducing the need for a direct serial connection.

GitHub Repository: ArduinoOTA

2. ESPAsyncWebServer for Real-Time Monitoring

The ESPAsyncWebServer library allows developers to create a web server on the ESP32. This server can serve a web-based dashboard for real-time monitoring and control of the device. Through a browser interface, developers can view logs, control GPIO pins, or adjust settings on the fly.

Key Features:

    • Asynchronous HTTP and WebSocket server.
    • Real-time data streaming to a web interface.
    • Simple to set up and use for remote debugging and monitoring.

Usage Example:

By serving a web page that displays sensor data or logs, you can monitor your ESP32’s operation in real-time and adjust settings without physically accessing the device.

GitHub Repository: ESPAsyncWebServer

3. RemoteDebug for Telnet-Based Debugging

RemoteDebug is a library that enables remote debugging via Telnet, providing a console-like experience over Wi-Fi. This approach allows you to use any Telnet client to connect to your ESP32 and receive debug output or send commands directly to the device.

Key Features:

    • Supports different debug levels (e.g., INFO, ERROR, DEBUG).
    • Allows sending commands to the ESP32 for on-the-fly adjustments.
    • Simple integration with existing projects.

Usage Example:

After setting up RemoteDebug, connect to the ESP32 using a Telnet client to view debug messages and interact with the device as if using a serial console.

GitHub Repository: RemoteDebug

4. ESP Exception Decoder for Crash Analysis

The ESP Exception Decoder is a tool for analyzing stack traces generated by the ESP32 during crashes. When combined with OTA or other logging mechanisms, this tool can help decode exceptions sent over Wi-Fi, providing insight into crashes without requiring a wired connection.

Key Features:

    • Decodes ESP32 stack traces to a human-readable format.
    • Integrates with various debugging workflows, including OTA.
    • Helps identify and fix issues related to crashes or exceptions.

GitHub Repository: ESPExceptionDecoder


Wireless debugging via Wi-Fi on the ESP32 provides flexibility and convenience for developers, particularly when working with devices in remote or hard-to-reach locations. Tools like ArduinoOTA, ESPAsyncWebServer, RemoteDebug, and the ESP Exception Decoder offer various approaches to debugging, from simple log monitoring to interactive command execution and real-time data streaming.

These tools can significantly enhance the debugging process, making it more efficient and effective without the constraints of a physical connection. By leveraging these libraries and techniques, you can make your ESP32 development process more flexible, efficient, and responsive to the needs of your specific application environment.

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