Stuck on Embedded Systems Code?
You’ve tried every trick and searched every forum, but nothing works. Arduino, ESP32, or others your project isn’t moving forward.
With the right tool, every obstacle becomes a simple milestone on your journey.
Discover PCGen: Please Code Generator the Tool We Built for Embedded Systems.
Stop wasting time on unresolved issues. PCGen quickly identifies and fixes problems in your code for Arduino, ESP32, and other embedded systems.
Get your project back on track and reap the rewards of your hard work!

Does your sketch fail to compile?
Simply upload your code, specify the compiler error description in the requirements field, and let PCGen fix it for you.
Stuck turning your requirements into code?
You can provide your system requirements, and PCGen will generate the algorithm for you.
Starting from scratch with no code to upload?
PCGen guides you step-by-step, helping you input the data needed to bring your project to life.
How can Please Code Generator help you generate code for embedded systems?
Recently Generated Codes from Community.
"Distance Measurement"
21 hours ago
Arduino UnoUltrasonic sensor measures distance and prints it to serial.
"Temperature Display"
2 days, 18 hours ago
Arduino UnoThe code reads temperature and humidity, displays them on LCD.
**Temperature Control**
2 days, 23 hours ago
Arduino UnoThe code reads temperature and controls a relay based on conditions.
LED Toggle
3 days, 23 hours ago
ESP32 DevKit V1Toggles an LED on and off every second using Arduino.
**Sensor Navigation**
5 days, 3 hours ago
Arduino UnoThe code controls an ultrasonic sensor and infrared receiver for navigation.
Obstacle Detection
5 days, 3 hours ago
Arduino UnoRobot uses ultrasonic sensors for obstacle detection and line following.
"LED Control"
5 days, 17 hours ago
Arduino UnoThe code controls an LED using predefined timing sequences.
"Motor Control"
5 days, 20 hours ago
Arduino UnoControls a robot car's motors using Servo library commands.
**Flame Alarm**
6 days, 11 hours ago
Arduino UnoThe code monitors flame and controls a buzzer alarm.
**Motor Control**
6 days, 12 hours ago
Arduino NanoThe code controls four motors using an IR remote control.
Older generated codes
Explore the list of all generated codes on PASTEBIN
Manually coding for embedded systems is tough, especially with limited time.
You can lose precious time to slow, error-prone processes delaying your project, missing key milestones, and facing constant frustration.
Familiar roadblocks like repeated compilation errors, syntax confusion, elusive logic issues, and workflow frustration can halt your project.
Left unresolved, these challenges lead to delays, lost productivity, and compromised success.

At PLEASEDONTCODE, we simplify coding for embedded systems, helping you regain momentum and achieve results faster.
Our guided interface takes you from concept to working code in just six steps, so you can focus on your project, not troubleshooting.
With Please Code Generator, your code will be error-free, syntactically correct, and logically sound, with clear comments for easy understanding.
This automatic process means you avoid the repetitive grind of manual coding, producing high-quality code quickly and stress-free, so your project stays on track.

Curious to see the capabilities of Please Code Generator?
Click the button below and explore its potential!
Explore the boards supported by Please Code Generator.
Arduino Nano ESP32

ESP32 DevKit V1

ESP8266 ESP-12E NodeMcu v1.0

Arduino Uno Rev3

Arduino Pro Mini

Arduino Nano

Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3

Catalog of Components to Connect to Boards.
Push Button

LED - Light Emitting Diode



SSD1306 - Oled Display


LCD1602 - I2C Interface

SD Card Module

7 Segment Display (Common Cathode)

7 Segment Display (Common Anode)

DS18B20 - Temperature Sensor

A4988 - Stepper Motor Driver

Servo Motor

DHT22 - Temperature and Humidity Sensor

DHT11 - Temperature and Humidity Sensor

HC05 - Bluetooth Module

L293x Quadruple Half-H Driver

Keypad 3x4

Keypad 4x4

DFPlayer Mini - MP3 player

HC-SR04 - Ultrasonic Distance Sensor

YF-S401 - Water Flow Sensor

YF-S201 - Water Flow Sensor

YF-B1 - Water Flow Sensor

GY-906 - Non-Contact IR Temp. Sensor

Passive Buzzer

Active Buzzer

MAX30100 - Pulse Oximeter/Heart Rate Sensor

L298N DualFull-Bridge Motor Driver

Relay Module

MPU6050 - IMU 6 axis

KY-040 - Rotary Encoder

MQ2 - Methane/Butane/LPG/Smoke Sensor

MQ3 - Alcohol/Ethanol/Smoke Sensor

MQ4 - Methane/CNG Sensor

MQ5 - Natural Gas/LPG Sensor

MQ6 - LPG/Butane Gas Sensor

MQ7 - Carbon Monoxide Sensor

MQ8 - Hydrogen Gas Sensor

MQ9 - Carbon Monoxide/Flammable gasses Sensor

MQ131 - Ozone Sensor

MQ135 - Air Quaity Sensor

MQ136 - Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Sensor

MQ303A - Alcohol Sensor

MQ309A - Carbon Monoxide/Methane Sensor

WS2812 - Addressable RGB LED Strip

WS2812B - Addressable RGB LED Strip

APA102 - Addressable RGB LED Strip

SK6812 - Addressable RGBW LED Strip

WS2801 - Addressable RGB LED Strip

LPD8806 - Addressable RGB LED Strip

TM1809 - Addressable RGB LED Strip

P9813 - Chainable RGB LED Strip

SK9822 - Addressable RGB LED Strip

MFRC522 - RFID Reader/Writer

SIM800L - GSM Module

DS3231 - Real Time Clock Module

VL53L0X - Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor

VL6180X - Time-of-Flight Distance Sensor

MCP2515 - CAN controller

LM35 - Temperature Sensor

BMI160 - IMU 6 axis

SX127x - Semtech LORA Module

SIM900A - GSM Module

X9C10X - Digital Potentiometer

GY-21 - Temperature and Humidity Sensor

BME280 - Pressure, Humidity and Temperature Sensor

PT2314 - 4 Channel Audio Processor

PT7314 - 4 Channel Audio Processor

PT7313 - 3 Channel Audio Processor

ILI9341 - TFT Display 240x320

ILI9488 - TFT Display 480x320

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
PLEASEDONTCODE provides a specialized software development service for Arduino and ESP32 electronic boards.
With our cutting-edge code generation automation, we empower freelance programmers and small/medium businesses to bring their prototype projects to life in significantly less time compared to manual coding approaches used by competitors.
This results in increased profit margins and streamlined project execution, enabling our clients to stay ahead in the fast-paced world of software development.
PLEASEDONTCODE, an initiative by ITALCODY founded by Francesco Colucci (also known as Alessandro), stems from the roots of ITALCODY, a company specialized in software and hardware development for embedded electronic systems. Having collaborated with professionals and Small/Medium Enterprises across diverse sectors such as IoT, education, automotive, blockchain, home automation, and more, ITALCODY realized that their time and energy commitments limited project acceptance.
To address this limitation, PLEASEDONTCODE was born. Drawing on their extensive experience in software development, hardware design, and system integration, they devised a method accessible not just internally but also to freelancers and companies in embedded software design. Their mission is to expedite and automate low-level code development processes, contrasting with multinational companies targeting larger enterprises with substantial budgets. Instead, they aim to offer this service to professionals and Small/Medium Enterprises, providing quality solutions and efficiency at a budget-friendly scale.
Their approach prioritizes speed and simplification, offering user-friendly tools that deliver substantial results without demanding extensive technical expertise. Through the PLEASEDONTCODE portal, they provide timely services, from automatic code generation to collaborative development tools. The goal is to make programming a pleasant and straightforward experience for smaller enterprises, allowing them to focus on core activities.
Proud of collaborations with successful companies, ITALCODY and PLEASEDONTCODE derive immense satisfaction from the trust built with clients and the tangible results achieved together.
The service is a guided procedure consisting of 6 steps. At each step, information is added about the project you want to create through automated code generation. What you need to do is select the electronic board on which you want to generate the code and the electronic components you want to connect to the board. The components will be connected to the most appropriate board pins, and only if they are compatible with the functions associated with those pins. Additionally, compatible software libraries will be preassigned for using the components.
Subsequently, you can select additional libraries that may be useful for your project. Finally, you can add your system requirements by describing what you want the board and components to do. In the last step, you can generate your code, analyze it, make corrections if you're not satisfied, and then download it. This allows you to compile and upload the code to your board through Arduino IDE or similar tools.
Utilizing code generation brings several advantages, including time savings, error reduction, enhanced code quality and maintainability, as well as ensuring code consistency and portability.
The automation of code generation allows developers to concentrate on higher-level tasks, guaranteeing correctness and consistency in their code.
The boards on which you can automatically generate code include: Arduino Nano ESP32, ESP32 DevKit V1, Arduino Uno, Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V, Arduino Pro Mini 5V, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega.
If you need to develop automatic code for other boards, please send an email to, and we will make it available shortly.
No, we don't recommend subscribing to a paid plan if you have limited programming knowledge. While our service can automatically generate code, you still need to understand and interpret the code to effectively control your project.
The FREE option can be useful as a learning tool to see how Artificial Intelligence creates simple algorithms from basic requirements. However, for more complex projects requiring intricate algorithms, it's recommended to seek more advanced programming knowledge or assistance.
Our service specializes in creating specific code for embedded systems. It performs compatibility checks and utilizes pre-structured code to ensure the generated code is accurate.
On the other hand, chatGPT can generate code but without verifying its accuracy. As a result, the generated code may contain errors or functional incompatibilities with the board or connected components, which could lead to additional time and effort being wasted.
Our service is not aimed at replacing the programmer's role. On the contrary, we recognize the significance of the programmer in overseeing project development. Our goal is to enhance the efficiency of freelance programmers and small software companies, enabling them to create projects more quickly or with fewer resources. PLEASEDONTCODE fits into this context by expediting code writing and reducing manual code correction times.
Although AI code generators automate specific tasks, they do not eliminate the requirement for skilled developers. Instead, developers can leverage these tools to boost productivity, concentrate on intricate tasks, and uphold the production of high-quality code.
The developer's role shifts towards a more design and logic-centric focus rather than being solely coding-oriented.